Saturday 2 July 2022

Tassel (Grade 1)


Step by Step play piano:

  1. You must know the name of the music notes. (Treble Clef & Bass Clef)你必须懂得音符名称 (高音谱号和低音谱号音符)Theory Lesson Link 乐理课堂链接:
  2. You have to learn how to count the beat of the notes & rests. 你需学习如何数拍子。懂得音符和休止符的拍子。Theory Lesson Link 乐理课堂链接
  3. You must know how to play all Initial Level Musics before proceed to Grade 1 musics 你需要懂得如何弹初级的音乐,然后才晋级弹第一级程度的音乐。Practical Lesson Link 弹琴课堂链接:
Italy Terms & Meaning
mp (mezzo piano) : moderately soft 中等轻声
mf (mezzo forte) : moderately loud 中等大声
rit. (Ritardando) : gradually decrease the tempo 渐渐放慢速度
8ve______|  One octave lower or higher 高 或 低 一个八度


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